Change Management

change-management-productivityBadly managed change can result in significant productivity losses, benefits not being realised and the loss of valued staff. An effective change management approach is critical to minimising these risks.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to change management. The approach adopted will need to take into account a number of factors including the culture of the organisation and type of change i.e. incremental, transitional or transformational.

International research suggests the number of organisations using a structured approach to change management has more than doubled between 2003 (34%) and 2011 (72%). Benefits of a structured approach include:

adkarOur approach is based on the world leading change management frameworks supported by CMI (Change Management Institute) including Prosci which utilises ADKAR to help individuals through change.

Idea Partners change management services include:

  • Change management strategy
  • Change management delivery
  • Awareness workshops
  • Leadership coaching
  • Readiness health-checks
  • Maturity assessments
  • Capability development

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