When reviewing your Projects and the systems and process that support project delivery, one can either start with a Portfolio Review or Project Reviews. A Portfolio Review will give you an initial insight into what projects you are delivering, if they are contributing to your strategy, if you have an appropriate balance and if the portfolio of projects is delivering a return. Project Reviews on the other hand will give you a better sense of how well the projects are being delivered.

Issues with your project delivery may be systemic or specific to a particular project or group of projects. A Project Review will identify both systemic and project specific risks and issues. Your organisation does not want to re-invent the wheel. You may already have many of the pieces of the jigsaw. Sometimes it is about refreshing and connecting the pieces you already have, rather than redesigning and rebuilding.

Solutions to improve portfolio and project outcomes will vary from organisation to organisation. The solutions must be flexible enough to maintain what already works while making improvements where needed.

Idea Partners can provide Project and Portfolio Reviews and recommend bespoke solutions that meet your organisations needs from large multinational organisations to small research Joint Ventures.

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